Monday 25 June 2012

Transporting vehicle from one state to another

Every year many people in India get relocated from one state to another, For several reasons like studies, job's etc. So was i, i got relocated from the state of Uttar Pradesh to Bangalore. I had a bike which i transported from UP to Bangalore. I followed the process as told to me by officers in the RTO. I was told to first take an NOC from the transferring state so i went to RTO and filled out a form (i think form 28) which needed the bike chassis to be etched by pencil and submitted to the counter and had some fees paid to them.
      I then transported the bike to bangalore using the parcel service of Indian Railways. I didn't get any trouble from the RTO in UP, did not pay any bribe for getting the NOC or finding any file. So once the bike reached bangalore, there was a long list of formalities waiting for me to do. The first thing to do after reaching was to obtain the proof of the local address i am staying. Once i got that, i had to report in RTO 15 days after reaching in bangalore. To  get the bike registered there. so did my formalities there with so much running like 15 days and going to several offices in different part of the city, these were the places not that easy to find. Thought this process has been simplified to do in once single office now.
         I had got the work done, got the bike registered, paid the road tax of the state of bangalore ( the road tax is no longer taken when u are transferring it is paid once only now while buying the bike). So once i got this done i was free to run this bike on bangalore roads without fear of cops.
   Now the time has come for me to take the bike back as the bike has a UP registered number and i can't sell this in Karnataka. so i need an NOC from bangalore RTO to be able to take the bike back and sell it. So again i follow the same process of filling the form 28 and submitting but this time i have issues as the RTO office cannot locate my file. So everything gets checked and it turns out that i have paid Rs 572 less in the tax i paid last time. This is told to me when i come to take NOC. I did not understand that it was the RTO office which calculated the tax and not me so why is there a difference. Why was this not taken care off before. so i paid this tax amount and now am waiting for the inside people to sign and approve the NOC.
    I have experienced this and then reached on a conclusion that if u are transferred to another state do not take the bike u have, sell it there and go and buy a new one. The process of getting an NOC is not that tough but if they loose the file, Which is highly possible then they will make you run around the whole world for a month to provide you with one and am pretty sure no one would have so much time to go to RTO office and talk to them.